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About Mariposa Medical Aesthetics in Easton, PA

Mariposa, meaning butterfly in Spanish, is a symbol of transformation, growth, and beauty. Just like the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly, Mariposa Aesthetics is dedicated to helping its clients transform and enhance their appearance, empowering them to reveal their inner beauty and radiance.

At Mariposa, our mission is to provide our clients with the highest quality medical spa services and expert knowledge, helping them to achieve their aesthetic goals and feel confident and beautiful in their own skin. Our team of professionals is dedicated to creating a warm and welcoming environment where every client is treated as an individual, with personalized care and attention.

Named after the founder, Vanessa, Mariposa represents the culmination of her journey and passion in the world of medical aesthetics. With a focus on innovation and excellence, Mariposa is setting a new standard in the industry, delivering outstanding results that exceed expectations.

Just as a butterfly symbolizes new beginnings and a brighter future, Mariposa Aesthetics is dedicated to helping its clients transform and take flight toward their best selves. Join us on our journey to reveal your inner beauty and unleash your full potential!

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About Team Member Kyon Hood MD | Mariposa Medical Aesthetics in Easton, PA

Dr. Kyon Hood

Dr. Kyon Hood is a board-certified physician who has practiced medicine for nearly 20 years. He has extensive clinical and quality oversight experience, including primary care, emergency medicine, integrative medicine, telemedicine, and aesthetics.

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